Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Oregon Trip - August 8

The first thing I do is look to see what are the local attractions in Twin Falls.  I found out the Shoshone Falls was not far from our hotel!
As we drive into the park, there are small waterfalls along the road.

Shoshone Falls was beautiful but I guess the best time to see the full effect is during the spring.
The best part? Was finding out that we weren't far from the spot where Evel Knievel had attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon. I remember watching this on television as a little girl!!
For those that don't know who Evel Kneivel was, check out this website:
I realized that Doug and I hadn't taken one selfie yet on our trip! So, here it is, with Shoshone Falls in the background:
After we left Twin Falls to head out to our next destination, we found a back road with tons of geocaches (called a power trail)!
Even though we were stopping every tenth of a mile, there was still interesting things to see.
Like this burrow owl. I don't think he was happy we were driving by.
When we geocache, we are always looking for critters. In my case, I have a snake phobia! So, when I see a tail hanging down in a tree? Luckily, it was just this little lizard hanging out.

We were going along a road that took us very close to these fans. The made a very loud "whooshing" noise. And that small rectangle at the bottom? It's a door!

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