Friday, September 16, 2016

Oregon Trip - August 12

If you have been following our Oregon trip, you may remember that I said we were planning on "tenting it" to help save some money?? Nope! But that's okay!
I loved the Oregon Coast and would love to go back. Maybe it won't be foggy next time!

This was a cool lighthouse to go through! Coquille Lighthouse. What was really interesting is the caretakers are geocachers!

The fog made for some very eerie pictures.

We stopped at this one cove, Port Orford, where the Cottoneva was shipwrecked! All that remains is the propeller. You can read more on this wreck:
This was also the best place for us to play in the ocean! 
The water was a little chilly but once you got used to it...

While we were here, there was a young lady teaching herself how to surf.
We found a short hiking trail not far from this cove that had several geocaches. So off we went. 
The trail wound in and out of the forest and along the shoreline in places.
There were some breathtaking views.

I am going to make a blog on things I missed. There are some other pictures we took with our phones. ;)

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