Sunday, September 11, 2016

Oregon Trip - August 10th

We arrive in Astoria, Oregon and stop for lunch. I had to have crab, of course! Doug decided on something else.
This bridge spans the widest part of the Columbia river. We didn't get a chance to go over this bridge as we were headed south and not north.
 Before we got into Astoria, there was a little town we stopped in.  I spotted this old bridge and asked Doug to turn around so we could go back.

 There are tons of beaches we were first turn down the 101 Highway. Each one different. Definitely a photographers dream!

The coastline was beautiful!
The first lighthouse we spotted was called Terrible Tillie. Terrible Tillie has some very interesting history:
We had a very beautiful first sunset on the Oregon Coast!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a nice birthday and a great trip! Loved the pictures.
