Friday, September 16, 2016

Oregon Trip - August 11th

We continue our trip along the coast. However, we were battling fog. There was still plenty of photo opportunities though!  We saw a few of these arch bridges.

The first lighthouse we were able to get up close to was the on in Cape Foulweather. Cape Foulweather was discovered by Captain James Cook.

(Doug standing in front of the lighthouse.)
While we were at the gift shop, someone spotted a whale in the distance. I tried to get a good shot but didn't have my large lens with me and by the time I went to get it, the fog had rolled in and blanketed the area where the whale was spotted.

It was low tide so we were able to go down and look through the pools! It's amazing the colors you find!

Doug standing beside one of the tidepools. (Nevermind the people in the background, they wouldn't get out of my shot! ;) )
There were seagulls just about everywhere we stopped, but I loved this one!
It's almost as if he is reading the sign!

I guess it was too foggy to fly!
There were also a lot of seal shots but I love this one with her pup.
A couple of pictures of the fog we were dealing with:

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