Monday, May 23, 2016

Our 300th Find!

Doug and I set out to find more geocaches. We started on a series that gives a history lesson on the area.
We were close to our 300th cache so we wanted to reach that goal this trip.
We didn't realize how special this one was going to be!
When geocaching, you never know what you are going to find. The cache of course, but they come in different sizes and have different contents! Some are so small, all that is in them is a log. (you put your caching name or initials on the log)
You may just find things that aren't cache related:
This was the second set of jaw bones we found.
We were close to our 300th when Doug saw this cache on his list. We didn't have any idea...

Not only was the cache super special, a puzzle, the property where it is located is owned by Linda & Bob Smith (fellow geocachers). If it was not for Linda coming out and giving us a few clues, we would probably have given up!
With Linda's help, we didn't loose our marbles and was able to unlock the cache and sign it!
Linda and Bob also have miniature horses! Come to find out, they knew several people that we did!
Linda with one of her little guys!
This guy wanted Doug's attention!
One of their horse shoes inside a regular horseshoe!
This was a great cache and the owners were pretty great too!

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