Thursday, May 19, 2016

It's Been Awhile

I started a blog about our travels a few years ago and dropped the ball. I can't seem to access it any more so here is a new one.

My husband, Doug, and I love to travel although we are not able to travel full time (bucket list item).
I am a photographer and love taking pictures everywhere we go so we thought we would share some of the places we have been.
I won't go too far back but share with you some of the highlights.

Flat Iron in the Superstitions.
Are you a hiker? This has to be the ultimate challenge.
Our friends, Steve and Debbie McCormack, did this hike with us. Doug and Debbie made it to the top first as Steve and I had not planned to go all the way to the top. But we made it!!!
Okay, going down is a different story! Yes, we made it down, however, it was much, much worse going down! The very last picture will show you the results of my trip down!

Flat Iron is a very distinct formation in the Superstition Mountains.
The visible part of the trail up is the easy part!

The sunsets we get in Arizona are spectacular!

There are other sites and places to explore near the Superstitions.
One of the important things to Debbie was to finish this hike! She said if she did she would get her first tattoo that says "Veni, Vidi, Vici", which is latin for I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. Since we all made it, we all got a tattoo! Each one different.

Needless to say, I came down hill mostly on my rearend!

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