Monday, May 23, 2016

More Geocaching

I may have mentioned this, but Doug and I love to Geocache!
Our latest trip took us, again, to places that we would not have even known about if we wasn't geocaching!
 Luckily, we have a vehicle that will take us to some of the more, shall we say, isolated caches!

 One of the interesting things we saw was this memorial to a young man who passed away way too soon. We didn't find the cache here but it was still worth the look.
This time of year, there are still wildflowers to stop and enjoy.

Just don't ask me what there are! 

This cache was called Twisted Roots so it wasn't too hard to figure out where it was.
An interesting part of our caching trip took us along parts of General Crook's Trail.
One place was the Devil's Windpipe. This is located north of Camp Verde.
The views were breathtaking!

Doug thought I needed to be in a picture! ;)

Juniper Berries!
A very pretty little pond.
Lots of wildflowers!
And though I usually don't care to see these critters, especially rattlesnakes, this bull snake (I think) was across the road. Doug had to get out and shoo him off so we didn't run him over. He wasn't very happy with Doug! 
General Crook's Trail was definitely interesting!

The sunset on our very fun day!
Having fun with the moon!

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