Friday, June 10, 2016

Granddaughter Week, part 1.

It's the beginning of summer and we had our granddaughter for a week! She is 5 (going on 6) years old and is a joy to have! Most of the time... ;)

We took her "treasure hunting" (geocaching). She loves doing it but she did have to learn she had to trade items. She has her own cache bag too!

Here she is helping papaw with a cache.

Caching makes for a very educational time for the granddaughter too! Although this snake is not poisonous, it gave us the opportunity to show our granddaughter that you always need to watch!
Which also included this guy! The shadow you see is a javalina! We were lucky he was only interested in being in the shade! We skirted him, he skirted us!

Geocaching can sure take you to some interesting places, like this very large culvert! You had to walk from one side to the other to get to the cache. Our granddaughter loved the echos!

Our granddaughter didn't want to go with us on this one, our 400th find!

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