Monday, May 23, 2016

Our 300th Find!

Doug and I set out to find more geocaches. We started on a series that gives a history lesson on the area.
We were close to our 300th cache so we wanted to reach that goal this trip.
We didn't realize how special this one was going to be!
When geocaching, you never know what you are going to find. The cache of course, but they come in different sizes and have different contents! Some are so small, all that is in them is a log. (you put your caching name or initials on the log)
You may just find things that aren't cache related:
This was the second set of jaw bones we found.
We were close to our 300th when Doug saw this cache on his list. We didn't have any idea...

Not only was the cache super special, a puzzle, the property where it is located is owned by Linda & Bob Smith (fellow geocachers). If it was not for Linda coming out and giving us a few clues, we would probably have given up!
With Linda's help, we didn't loose our marbles and was able to unlock the cache and sign it!
Linda and Bob also have miniature horses! Come to find out, they knew several people that we did!
Linda with one of her little guys!
This guy wanted Doug's attention!
One of their horse shoes inside a regular horseshoe!
This was a great cache and the owners were pretty great too!

More Geocaching

I may have mentioned this, but Doug and I love to Geocache!
Our latest trip took us, again, to places that we would not have even known about if we wasn't geocaching!
 Luckily, we have a vehicle that will take us to some of the more, shall we say, isolated caches!

 One of the interesting things we saw was this memorial to a young man who passed away way too soon. We didn't find the cache here but it was still worth the look.
This time of year, there are still wildflowers to stop and enjoy.

Just don't ask me what there are! 

This cache was called Twisted Roots so it wasn't too hard to figure out where it was.
An interesting part of our caching trip took us along parts of General Crook's Trail.
One place was the Devil's Windpipe. This is located north of Camp Verde.
The views were breathtaking!

Doug thought I needed to be in a picture! ;)

Juniper Berries!
A very pretty little pond.
Lots of wildflowers!
And though I usually don't care to see these critters, especially rattlesnakes, this bull snake (I think) was across the road. Doug had to get out and shoo him off so we didn't run him over. He wasn't very happy with Doug! 
General Crook's Trail was definitely interesting!

The sunset on our very fun day!
Having fun with the moon!


Doug and I love to go Geocaching! For those of you that aren't familiar with it, it is a treasure hunt for adults, kids can play too.
From website: "Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location."

It is amazing how many geocaches are out there and they seem to be everywhere we have traveled!
We went to Laughlin, NV not to long ago and "cached" on the way up and then "cached" on the way back along Route 66!
Doug and I are relatively new to geocaching and we recently had reached our 250th cache on this trip!

We can't give the exact location (that wouldn't be fair to other cachers) but needless to say, we get to see some pretty amazing country and interesting sights while doing this.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Winter is always a surprise in Arizona.
We live north of the valley (Phoenix) so see a little more snow than they do.

A prickly pear cactus in the snow.

A squirrel foraging in the snow.

It's Been Awhile

I started a blog about our travels a few years ago and dropped the ball. I can't seem to access it any more so here is a new one.

My husband, Doug, and I love to travel although we are not able to travel full time (bucket list item).
I am a photographer and love taking pictures everywhere we go so we thought we would share some of the places we have been.
I won't go too far back but share with you some of the highlights.

Flat Iron in the Superstitions.
Are you a hiker? This has to be the ultimate challenge.
Our friends, Steve and Debbie McCormack, did this hike with us. Doug and Debbie made it to the top first as Steve and I had not planned to go all the way to the top. But we made it!!!
Okay, going down is a different story! Yes, we made it down, however, it was much, much worse going down! The very last picture will show you the results of my trip down!

Flat Iron is a very distinct formation in the Superstition Mountains.
The visible part of the trail up is the easy part!

The sunsets we get in Arizona are spectacular!

There are other sites and places to explore near the Superstitions.
One of the important things to Debbie was to finish this hike! She said if she did she would get her first tattoo that says "Veni, Vidi, Vici", which is latin for I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. Since we all made it, we all got a tattoo! Each one different.

Needless to say, I came down hill mostly on my rearend!