Friday, May 12, 2017

Anniversary Trip - Day 6

Waimea Canyon is on the agenda for today! As well as some geocaching too!
Waimea is the "Grand Canyon" of the Pacific and is a very popular tourist attraction! Someone at one of the lookouts overheard we were from Arizona and asked us if it (Waimea Canyon) compared to the Grand Canyon (obviously, they had never seen the Grand Canyon!).... 
We tried to answer as politely as possible, and did for the most part... We did tell them that it was a different kind of beauty and they should definitely see the Grand Canyon for themselves!
(There might have been an uncontrolled response before we answered though...)

There are a couple of places to pull over and see the Waimea Ditch that was used to divert water to the sugar cane fields on the drive up the canyon.

The canyon certainly is beautiful! A lot of colors and layers!
A couple of beautiful waterfalls!
 At the last stop before you have to turn around and go back, is "One of The Wettest Spots on Earth"!
 Mount Waiʻaleʻale averages about 452" of rain a year!! We are from Arizona so we had a hard time grasping this!
Just a "short hike" (see the peak behind Doug?) and you can stand on top of the mountain that sits in this beautiful tropical spot!
We love the people that were willing to take a picture of us! 
 We returned the favor as much as possible!
At one of the overlooks, I spotted this unique looking tree!
 It made for a perfect photo op!
We started geocaching after we were finished with the canyon. I may have mentioned before that I love some of the places we see when geocaching that we may not have seen otherwise! We were going to skip this next stop but there was a geocache there!

This is what is left of a Russian Fort that was built on the island! If you would like to know more, here is a link:
It's history is interesting (to me at least)

Another geocache had us going down to the beach behind the fort, where the Waimea River flows out to the ocean. 
Here is one of the interesting signs we found:
We stop for another cache when I had a "fly by"! Several flocks of parakeets flew by me!
I managed to get off a shot or two!

The places that geocaching takes us are incredible!
Another thing we may have missed if not for geocaching! The Hanapepe Swinging Bridge!
We had to cross the bridge and go along the canal in order to find this cache!
We had been told about a place to eat, called Da Crack... One of the best finds!
You walk up to a window to order, no tables, and you could add anything you wanted to a burrito, taco, nachos, etc! The "kitchen" was literally 6' wide and ran along the length of the building! The picture above the window:
Doug ordered a burrito and I got the nachos! We had enough food to feed half the chickens on Kauai! It was so much food! But, it was delicious!
We took our dinner to a pull off along the coast and enjoyed our meal as the sun set.
As we are watching, I spotted something in the waves. A turtle maybe?
The only sunset we got to see because we were mostly on the east side of the island.

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