Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Anniversary Trip - Day 5 (part II)

I decided to divide this day into two parts. There was a lot of pictures and I am really, really controlling myself to not post ALL the pictures we took! (Unless you want to see them?) 
After our helicopter tour, Doug and I decide to go back to the gardens where the luau was held. I am so glad we did! You may remember that we attended the luau at Smith Family Garden? When we arrived, we payed our $6/each (well worth it) ticket to enter. The lady hands Doug a bag of bird food!
Well, this became a favorite part of the day for us! As Doug walked along (before he started handing out the goodies), I looked behind us and noticed we had a "following"....

Doug started gathering more "admirers" as he starts dropping some of the treats!
We came to the area where the luau was held and decided to explore a little more here.
There is a beautiful bridge that crosses over a partial moat. You can tell Doug went ahead of me...(notice the foreground)
As we cross the bridge, we notice a fish (who would have guessed that know us!) in a pocket of water. What was unusual, was that there didn't seem to be a way to the main part of the pond! There was a ridge of dirt/sand between the fish and the rest of the pond.  Well....
 The fish promptly turned on his side and swam over the ridge! Clever little fish! I bet he's done that before!
This garden is one of the more beautiful places on the island! The scenery was breathtaking!
Doug poses by the Aku Aku head (I think we are still on Kaua'i?)
Doug discovers that all he has to do is hold out his hand with some treats....
These little birds didn't care if there was another one already there! They were piled 2 and 3 deep!
And, of course, I had to do it too!
The Gardens are home to over 20 types of fruit, bamboo groves and lots and lots of flowers! Oh, and birds! 
 This is a Christmas Tree Palm with it's fruit!
And my favorite fruit, coffee!! ;)
There were hanging lobster claw,
Lady Di Heliconia
Queen Emma Lily and even a
MONEY Tree!! 
A Pacific Golden Plover was just one of the species (besides chickens) we spotted.
Another Red Crested Cardinal,
We even were treated to a duck and her babies!
Doug managed to get the young ones to be brave enough to come see what he had. Mom was not falling for it though!

We come around a corner and notice that some people ahead of us (we pretty much had the gardens to ourselves up to this point) had stopped and were taking pictures!
Of this handsome guy!
As beautiful as this fella was, we didn't see a female (peahen). Males usually spread their beautiful plumage to attract a mate! Which, we were pretty sure wasn't one of us!
Remember all those "fans" Doug had attracted? Well, I guess this guy was afraid of the little ones! He kept backing away from the crowd!

The peacock was semi-climatic to the rest of the day! But we did see some more interesting flowers.
Calotropis gigantea (crown flower)
Don't be too impressed, I looked it up! ;)
False Banana Flower (we didn't see any false bananas though) 
The bush these flowers were on, was called a Mickey Mouse Plant. Because my daughter and her husband love going to Disneyland, I thought I would take a picture to send to them. I was slightly disappointed that it didn't look like Mickey Mouse!
There was a cute little pond that had lilies growing.
Even a pink one!
Oh! And we found the peahen! She was hiding toward the front of the gardens!
Stay tuned for more!

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