Thursday, February 23, 2017

Anniversary Day! Trip Day 4

Today, we celebrate being married for 35 years! My husband definitely knows how to make me cry...  He gave me this wonderful anniversary gift:

I had noticed the advertisements for this ring, but didn't think he had!

We had a luau scheduled for later in the evening, so we had most of the day to do some more sightseeing and look for more geocaches. We stopped by for the shops at the Kilohana Plantation and ended up taking the train tour!
While we were waiting to board, I spotted this little bird on the train.
 Had to get a selfie on the train, of course!
 This little guy in front of us spent most of his trip paying attention to us instead of the scenery, but every once in awhile, something would catch his eye!
CHICKENS!! (I told you they were everywhere!)
The plantation had a lot of things growing! Some of them I have never heard of, but a few I recognized! The coconuts were everywhere. In fact, the east shore of Kauai is known as the Coconut Coast.
  Doug's favorite (and mine) was the apple banana! We would buy them and just have them with us to snack on!
 This is one of the Taro Ponds on the plantation. Have you ever tried poi? Well, they say it's an acquired taste! I did learn that it is usually better when mixed with something. Our tour guide said he eats his poi with Doritos! hmmmm, I don't think I'll be trying that one!
Kauai was known for it's sugar plantations. Though it isn't the main crop anymore, tourist are, there are still some sugar cane to be seen.
We also saw some pineapple fields. Did you know it takes 2 years for a pineapple to ripen? Not sure I'm that patient!
About half way through our trip, the train makes a stop so we can stretch our legs. Although this wasn't exactly a "petting zoo", the passengers could feed the animals. There were goats, pigs and horses. 
 This little pig was interested in what I was doing!
 I wasn't exactly sure what this was but thought it was interesting. (If someone that reads this knows, please let me know! ;))
 These are the Hawaiian Christmas trees! They are extremely tall! It is hard to get a picture that shows the scope.
 At the end of this blog, I will post pictures of all the hibiscus flowers we saw. (that way you don't have to scroll through them if you don't want to)

After our train ride, we decided to go find some geocaches! I love the places geocaching takes us! We pull up in a parking lot and this tree was waiting to have it's picture taken!
We make our way down to a small cove to find the cache. It was very beautiful with the waves, but it was windy!

 Across the cove, we spotted a lighthouse. We would end up at this one a little later.

I spotted another one of these beautiful birds on our way to the next cache. (I learned later it is a red-crested cardinal).
If it wasn't for caching, we probably would not have passed seeing this lighthouse. It isn't a tourist attraction.

Now it's time to head back to the hotel to get ready for the luau! I didn't take my camera so that I could just enjoy the luau. We went to Smith's Family Garden Luau. It is all put on by the family!
On our way to the luau site, we get a tram ride around the garden! One of the other attendees spotted this very patriotic colored rooster!
Now, for all the different hibiscus we saw today!

Stay tuned for the next day's adventure! We come back to the gardens during the day!

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