Monday, November 21, 2016


Doug and I have never been on the island of Catalina! We have been TO the island fishing, but not on it! We made a family day trip over to the island. Doug and I, my cousins, Darryl & Helen, Rick & Loretta and Aunt Rosie! We were joined by a couple, Jim and Della, friends of the family.
This was our transportation across from Long Beach, CA.

We had lunch at the Bluewater Avalon Seafood Restaurant! Great choice!
Cousin Helen does not like having her picture taken, so Doug took that as a challenge. 
After lunch, we rented a couple of golf carts to do a tour of the island! We had a blast doing this. Aunt Rosie was on the back of ours. I sure hope she was enjoying Doug's driving! We almost lost her a couple of times! LOL

We did see some wildlife while we were there. This buck and a few does where munching on the grass at a golf course.
I spotted this hawk and was surprised when he flew down to his owner! 
One of the herons we spotted in the bay. 
We even came across a zip line! It looked like a lot of fun! Aunt Rosie wants to go with us when we go back to do this!
I loved all the colors in the bay area. I have included a few pictures we took once we were back from our golf cart adventures!

There was a cruise ship in the bay at the time we were there! It makes for a very busy area! A funny story... We were stopped at one of the overlooks while on the carts when a lady came up and asked if anyone knew how to get the camera turned around on her phone! She didn't want a picture of herself but of the overlook! So I helped her (luckily, it was an Iphone!). After I showed her how to switch it back and forth, she says she will buy me a drink! A few minutes later, another lady from the group came over and asked if we were on the cruises ship, which we weren't. She said that her friend didn't realize this when she offered to buy me a drink. So, this lady gave each of us ladies in our group this very cute angel purse charm she makes!
As a side note, we ran into this same group when we were back in the bay area. I joked to her about owing me a drink and she said she would when we get back to the ship! (They must serve free ones on there!)
We some some people parasailing. It looked like fun too!
And of course, we did some shopping! 
The day ended much too quickly! We had an awesome time!

Until next time!

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