Friday, July 1, 2016

More Geocaching

 Doug and I love looking for caches that are a little off the beaten path! Which takes us to places we normally wouldn't go! But we get to see things we normally wouldn't get to!
Like, hand made signs!
And cows....
One of the things I would like to stress, especially during this time of year, is to watch for critters! I was so intent on looking at my gps to look for a cache, I almost stepped on this little bugger! Scared the jeepers out of me! (I have a phobia of snakes)!
Doug did the husbandly thing and scared the little guy off since he was in the vicinity of the cache. However, he didn't just go slithering off elsewhere! He went UP the tree he was next too! And where do you think the cache was?? In the same tree! Guess he was trying to show us where it was!
We are so lucky to have our four wheel drive, but it does encourage us to take roads that, well, may make others think twice. We are on this one road and ended up with a tire going flat (thank goodness for tire plugs!) and one of our side steps a little higher than the other. Thanks to a boulder we landed on...

We must have missed the sign at the other end where we started out, but definitely saw it at the end of this road!
This is one of the more interesting places for a cache. This stump looked to me like a lion roaring.
After we found the cache, Doug puts back a piece and it looks like the lion shut his mouth!

This is a very old Juniper tree!
And you find all sorts of curious objects in the caches! 

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