Friday, July 1, 2016

Judging and Hauntings

Sometimes I travel to judge miniature dairy goat shows! I have been judging for over 10 years and love the opportunity to travel to different locations. Usually I don't get to do much sight seeing. This trip will definitely stand out!
One of the things that I love is the ability to take photos while flying. Although they aren't the best quality, I think they still convey what I see.
Lake Tahoe is a wonderful place to visit and we have been there several times. Seeing it from the air shows how beautiful (and big) this lake is!
And, I was able to take a picture of a field where, I do believe, the farmer is showing support of his pick for the next President. 
I really enjoy judging. I love the interaction with the exhibitors and seeing the animals. 
The best part is meeting up with friends I haven't seen in awhile and making new ones! 
Left to Right: Virginia Johnson Gruver, me, Donna Elkins

In room 13 of the Ione Hotel (CA) it is said to be haunted by a drunk man (George) that died there. George doesn't care for male guests! He is said to male guests they can't sleep there (guess he likes women so doesn't bother them)! It is also said he poured a phantom pitcher of water over one man's head!Also, it is said that a prostitute nicknamed the Black Rose killed herself here. Before she died she painted a black rose, right side up, on the wall. When she died, the black rose turned upside down. There is also a "copy" of the rise in the carpet next to the bathroom!

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