Saturday, August 6, 2016

Our Oregon Coast Trip - August 6

Doug and I decided, for our vacation this year, to go to the Oregon coast. I have been wanting to do this for years so it's one of my bucket list items! We decided we were going to geocache our way there and tent it! We figured we could save money this way....

We started off after Doug got off work Friday afternoon. We knew we would be late getting into anywhere so we went ahead and booked a room just outside of Las Vegas.

We booked a room at the Railroad Pass Hotel and Casino. It is celebrating it's 85th year this month (August). We probably wouldn't stay here again but we both did come out with a little more than we went in with, money-wise.

We were off to a lazy start this morning. Tried having breakfast at the hotel, again, probably not the best choice. We waited until we were out of Vegas before we started hunting geocaches.

Some of the geocaches we come across have a history or interesting information.

The Old Spanish Trail passed through this area where we stopped for a cache.

This was very interesting, at least to me, was that Nevada's borders were moved!

Another thing that caught my interest was this fence that ran along the highway we were on. By reading one of the descriptions in one of the caches, I learned that this fence was put up to keep the desert tortoises from crossing the highway and getting run over!

And that explains this street name.

We also came across this cemetery. Cemeteries seem to be very popular with cachers. We didn't have time to explore it though.

I think I have mentioned before about things we see when we geocache. This is something I wouldn't think we would have seen:
I think they were used for target practice!
We passed this sign but turned around to get a picture. The sign was very cool and the town itself was very quaint.

And then there are things that just make you smile!